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Member Since : Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Last Login : Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Does website design matter?    Yes but not always in the way assumed.  Many customers focus on a website that 'looks nice' and try and come up with some sort of aesthetic masterpiece.  This thinking is understandable but a distraction.  A website must be simple for customers to use and be clear as to what is offering.  That is the no.1 priority for a website design - clear and clean.  Some clients insist on doing it their way and it can become cl... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Saturday, 01 December 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
You'll have to trust someone!  If you have a website at all you will have to trust someone but there are considerations. Even if you get a local developer, a national company or someone you know; whoever they are they will have to have access to the back end of your website and all your customer data.  They could fall out with you for whatever reason and walk away with your customer data or worse!   There are a number of comapnies out there where it you may ... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Wednesday, 21 November 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
So the Government publihed their NHS mandate this week.     One part that stuck out for me was 'by 2015 everyone will be able to book their GP appointments online, order a repeat prescription online and talk to their GP practice online.  This will help people better manage their health and care.'   Particularly the bit about everyone being able to order their repeat prescription online by 2015.  This is something some pharmacies are starting to... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Thursday, 15 November 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
You're an independent - whether a single store or multiple - how can I compete with the major chains online? Well head on you simply can't.  However, think smart and use what you have to your advantage.  You already have a customer base, start there, it's a market with loyalty to you as long as you are competitive and you can easily communicate with them.  Start by registering your customers to your website, a simple name and email address will begin to build a database... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Wednesday, 07 November 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
how do I make my website successful?  well where to start?  Let's take a topic at a time.  Suppose the first thing to state is it won't happen by magic, there are things you need to do.  Let's start with one - fresh content.  Google (we'll talk about Google as it pretty much represents the SEO / search market in the UK) changes it's criteria at intervals but without doubt places massive value on new, fresh content.  I.E. a webite that never changes will b... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Thursday, 01 November 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
What do I want a website for?   Whether you have one of not.   Do you want a website to improve your business?, help you run it and become more efficient?  Make some money too?  protect and expand your customer base? Or Just a website so customers can find basic information like opening hours or where you are?  Or even one to keep the PCT happy (while they still exist!).  Both are perfectly fine but the decision has to be m... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Tuesday, 30 October 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
Welcome to our blog.  We design pharmacy websites.  We work with independent pharmacy and…….well no one else to be honest.  We provide websites for chemists, of course, however we offer so much more - a website that has all the functionality a pharmacy needs to be successful online.  But we fully understand that it is horses for courses.  If you want your website to be highly successful we’ll help you all the way!  If you can’t be bothered and just want a... Read more...
By: nigel baker On Thursday, 18 October 2012 Comments Comments(0) Read more...
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