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Our Blog
The Pharmacy Show

We'll be at the Pharmacy Show (on Sunday only) again this year to see old friends and clients and meet some new ones (hopefully).  We don't take a stand as the prices we charge could never justify the cost and most people in pharmacy know of us and our reputation is spreading.  We will be circulating though and spend some time around the NRS Healthcare stand at some point so say hello.  We know a few other website and app offerings are there so make sure you compare our website services, app etc. etc to anything you see before making any final decisions.


Delighted to meet, give a demo if time, talk independent pharmacy, where things are heading, ecommerce, script direction, pharmacy website design, what makes a successful site, the reality, real examples, grab a coffee etc. with anyone at all who wants a chat about online solutions or discuss some of the other ideas floating around some forward thinking independents.  Arrange a time to catch up or give us a call on the day.  Enjoy the show

By: nigel baker On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 Comment Comments( 0 ) Hits Views(732130)